Learn Together, Grow Better With The school Of Sales & Marketing Alignment — by GetQuanty.

Cold, uninterested leads are the Sales-people’s worth nightmare. So, to make their daily life easier, they ask their marketers teammates to generate better qualified and active leads. While they are united by the company’s growth goals — the day to day lives bring up one issue or another, making it tougher for them to sing from the same hymn sheet.

Need a lot of practice to integrate the information because the GetQuanty tool is very complete. This training allowed me to understand the possibilities that GetQuanty offered.

Anna Orosz

Co founder & Marketing Manager COLLOCK

Our next session

7 et 8 june

Count me In

6 good reasons to join our training sessions

1. Exchange with peers and discover best practices to test in your own organization, create a link with the Getquanty team to facilitate support

2. Master the fundamentals of GetQuanty to be able to effectively segment and score your audience

3. Take a step back from B2B marketing and sales by confronting your situation with other organizations and market best practices

4. Discover the configuration and connection functionalities via API to increase the efficiency and the ROI of the solution

5. Knowing what settings to make to solve a particular problem and navigate the knowledge base to find the answer independently

6. Set up a fluid delivery process for qualified leads to their sales directly in their CRM and be able to monitor their processing with KPIs

Our Modules

GetQuanty provides datadocked and includes a theoretical dimension and directly usable practical examples.

Doanload Program


We support you in the complete configuration of the platform according to your site and your objectives.



We deliver the specific use case for sales force to organize and take full advantage of the platform in its prospecting.



We discuss the use of external conversion optimization features at GetQuanty



We decrypt the new regulatory framework with you and show you how to continue to legally manage your marketing actions.


Business cases

We invite you to try our methods for optimizing your own use based on concrete customer cases.


Marketing Alignment

Sharing experience on common painpoints encountered by teams and sharing solutions adapted to the way your business works.


Clients feedbacks

Train Your Salespeople To Prospect Better With GetQuanty’s Sales Training Boot Camp.

PSA group is doubling its conversion rate in comparison to their incoming leads. Oh yes, the leads who visit you without leaving their contact details can be “mature” — and those who have attended our boot camp, they know that.Therefore, we have developed a 2 Half-Day Long training module with our clients for "assisted" prospecting which has been extremely popular in this post-COVID period, with one or more GetQuanty coaches to adapt your own methods and technical approach.

Request a quote

Our Trainers

Each coach has his own experience and added value. Our teams accompany you through their expertise and help you to develop your processes, your actions and reach your objectives


I have a specific training need. Is it possible ?

Yes, of course. We invite you to contact the team at support@getquanty.com  and formulate your requests.

Who are your trainers?

They are recognized experts in the field of marketing and sales. Our coaches take into account your business and adapt it to their own proven method of working to give you every chance of reaching your goal.

Presential or digital ?

even in a covid context. The satisfaction questionnaires for both formats revealed a preference for the face-to-face format.More involvement, more cohesion, more shared tips!

Where do the training take place?

> in our offices for the 6 modules offered
> at your place for the salesbootcamp if you wish