Influence Decision Makers That Matter To You, Turn Every Sales Opportunity Into Your Favour With GetQuanty.
With competition being so fierce — huge investments are necessary to accelerate thesales cycles these days when targeting particular accounts from both marketing to salesdepartments.
And next time when you do so, use GetQuanty + AdQuanty to optimize your end-to-endmarketing spendings. Our SmartData reports gives you precise & detailed insights aboutyour ABM targets — so you can monitor your strategy, decide how & when to target youraudience to create the maximum impact.
GetQuanty x Account Based Marketing
Target Your Perfect Audience, Effortlessly.
The most difficult part of engaging in an ABM strategy is having to interact with a limited list of companies instead of all your audience. And what aggravates the issue are the unhelpful cookies — limiting your capabilities to display targeted ads, only to your key audience.
Use AdQuanty, powered by it’s IAB & Google 360 certified, IP targeting technology to focus your campaigns only towards your key target accounts & companies, to increase your sales and revenue manifolds.
"Thanks to the daily use of GetQuanty, we have been able to set up a much more refined and targeted prospect strategy to help decision-makers and business managers make the strategic choice that is ERP today"
Marketing & communication Manager
Engage High-Value B2B Decision Makers, Turn Them Into Your Customer.
The bigger the accounts, the more difficult it gets to interact with them. And in aneffective ABM strategy, you constantly are on your toes, interacting + closing accounts on multiple channels at the same time.And that is the easy part.
Problems arise when you start reporting — and learn thatevery tool you use has its own reporting system, making it impossible for you to get anholistic view of all your accounts.
Well, unlike others, GetQuanty tracks all your interactions — website, email, social networks at the same place, groups them in a condensed timeline so you identify all your warm leads, hassle-free.
Never Miss Any Opportunity Ever Again, With Real-Time Notifications By GetQuanty.
Your Account managers take a number of actions to target, engage and close your keyaudiences — without any feedback loop.
Thus, they end up making vague guesses aboutthe consequences of their marketing efforts.GetQuanty’s real-time alerts you and your sales team every time any key decision maker comes and visits your website, or revisits it, or checks out any particular offer you’ve hosted.
Turns Your Agency Into The Ideal ABM Partner
GetQuanty’s ABM solution is the perfect tool for agencies assisting other companies toswitch to an ABM strategy. Simply upload your clients’ targets, focus your efforts solelyon those accounts, and commit to the growth that you will be able to quantify in front ofyour clients.
Interested In Knowing What Else Getquanty Can Do For You?
GetQuanty is an innovative tool that allows a new approach to prospects. Before I knew about GetQuanty, I didn't know that you could identify at such a high level !
Laurent Gonzalez
Marketing & Communication Manager
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