Sirius Decisions Summit 2016, GetQuanty was there - Art of Intelligent Growth

Getquanty was present at Sirius Decisions European Summit with more than 600 of our B2B marketers peers for two days of data-driven best practices research, new innovations across the B2B space, wich was a great opportunity to network with an elite community of B2B European sales, marketing and product leaders.

Sirius Decisions and the art of Intelligent growth in B2B Marketing

Enjoy the video wrapup of these 2 days.

The seventh annual SiriusDecisions Summit Europe was composed of general sessions to unveil the latest B2B research and insights all focused on launching our customer’s growth strategy in today’s expanding B2B European market.Getquanty followed the following topics :

Sirius Decisions demystifing B2B customer experience

It is a hard subject for companies who are willing to become more customer-centric. The fact is that B2B marketers have difficulties to understand what are the key success factors to deliver a B2B customer experience that drives growth, retention, loyalty and raving fans. To help out, Sirius Decisions went straight to the source for answers: customers. The results of their new study drives a clearer idea of what B2B customers want after they buy, and what B2B marketers should do about it.

Sirius Decisions Evaluating B2B sales organisations : the productivity quotient

Determining what makes your company “better” than competitors is not just looking at current revenue attainment; Sales organisations that often outperform others, are using a pattern of behaviors and characteristics. Sirius Decisions new sales productivity quotient defines the Key Performance Indicators in order to measure sales productivity, Marketing and product contribution.[caption id="attachment_2760" align="alignright" width="2544"]

Sirius decisions sales productivity quotient

Sirius decisions sales productivity quotient[/caption]

Sirius Decisions completing the demand waterfall

SiriusDecisions Demand Waterfall is very well known in the industry as the standard framework for B2B. Getting more detail on sales generated leads untill closing gives insight about where improvment and productivity can be generated in the global Marketing and Sales cycle.[caption id="attachment_2759" align="alignright" width="2642"]

B2B Sirius Decisons sales statistics

B2B Sirius Decisons sales statistics[/caption]

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